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Acanthosis Nigricans- A Symptom or A Disease?

Any idea of what is this term all about or how does it looks like? Have you seen one? Is it contagious? Let’s find out and explore.

Any idea of what is this term all about or how does it looks like? Have you seen one? Is it contagious? Let’s find out and explore.

Acanthosis Nigricans is characterized by a brown to black hyper pigmentation of the skin most notable seen in body folds or creases like the neck, underarms, elbow. knees. groin, knuckles or even around the lips. Dark patches of the skin that is velvety in texture and we keep on scrubbing it thinking that the discolouration will fade, does it help?

Who Are At Risk?

Both men and women can be affected, however people who are overweight and have pre existing conditions like Diabetes, Endocrine related disease like Cushing Disease, hypothyroidism are more prone of having it.

Causes of Acanthosis Nigrcans

It may be genetically inherited , associated with obesity or Endocrine Related Diseases.

Signs And Symptoms

Acanthosis Nigricans is not a disease but rather a symptom of a pre-existing or any underlying medical conditions that can be treated if diagnose earlier.

Signs and Symptoms are:

  • Brown to black discoloration of skin particularly on body folds/ crease.
  • Velvety texture and thicker skin
  • Skin may itch or have bad odor

How To Manage It?

In treating Acanthosis Nigricans, Devotion Beautique over the years have developed high quality concoction with techniques to lighten the velvety texture, remove odour and calm the skin down.

Goodbye Acanthosis, Hello beautiful Skin!

Testimonial of a statisfied customer

Acanthosis Nigricans testimonial

” Brown underarms have accompanied me for years. It is difficult for me to wear sleeveless dresses without feeling conscious about them. However, with several underarm bleaching treatments done by Devotion Boutique, I began to see whiter underarms. Thank you, Devotion Boutique! ”