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D.R.W. Concept

Detoxify . Reduce . Wrinkles
Another revolutionary treatment by Devotion Beautique…

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WHO concept has led us to evolve into further study of underarm skin conditions. This time, we look into the irreversible time namely, signs of ageing. D.R.W. concept incorporates Biostimcell technology, a photobiostimulation which counteracts skin laxity.

Post pregnancy, weight reduction programmes may result in overflowing of underarm skin obesity. Skin may also become excessively dry after post eczema treatment using steroids and develop unsightly wrinkles. Hence, D.R.W. with Biostimcell uses infrared which creates an orbicularis acceleration, causing an increase of tissue oxygenation.

What can you expect from this treatment?

– Wrinkle reduction and firming of the underarms

Suitable for:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Broken capillaries
  • Spots
  • Pimples and Acne
  • Stretchmarks




D.R.W. Concept Underarm - Before D.R.W. Concept Underarm -After




D.R.W. Concept Underarm - Before 2 D.R.W. Concept Underarm -After 2