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Treating Hyperpigmentation from the causes: All forms and Key Treatments

What exactly is Hyperpigmentation & how it forms?

The term pigmentation basically means color or the pigment in our skin. Our skin gets its color from a cell called melanosome. These cells are fragile againsts harmful agents like ultraviolet rays, medications, pollutants or even fabric friction. When being exposed to these factors under prolonged hours, the melanosomes release more melanin than usual as a way to strengthen the skin.

As a result, dark patches appear in the body parts where they have direct contact with the agents. However, this process occurs unevenly on the skin leading to uneven skin tone, which reduces your confidence overtime.

Exceptionally, if the skin becomes lighter after being exposed to harmful factors, we call it Hypopigmentation. Within this article, we will deep dive into Hyperpigmentation (when the skin becomes darker in tone) and its several forms: Sunspot, Freckles, Melasma or Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation!

Sun Spot

The name says it all! You went out one day and decided to go full-out, unprotected under the scorching sun. The results: your skin suffers from a burning sensation, pigmented spots appear after a day or two.

As a very popular form of hyperpigmentation, sunburn spots are caused due to excessive exposure to the direct sunlight or UV rays over a long period of time. These unwanted spots can appear anywhere in our body including on the face. Their colors vary as well from light brown to even black!

Key take-aways:

  • Cause by direct contact with the sun
  • Always use sunscreen when you go out
  • Avoid staying under the sun for too long 


Similarly, Freckles are also caused by direct exposure to sunlight or UV rays over a long period of time. However, this phenomenon tends to appear to people with fair complexion and may flourish in the nose and cheek areas. They are flat and normally come with a circular shape.

Unlike sunburn spots, freckles might fade as you ages while sun spots needs proper treatment and care. But these freckles could be the indications that your skin is sensitive, in need of hydration care or is an early sign of skin cancer.

Key take-aways:

  • Also caused by direct exposure to the sunlight
  • Always use sunscreen
  • Avoid staying under the sun for too long while applying soothing & calming care after going out


This is a skin condition that is more concerned than the other types. Occurs more commonly in women than men, Melasma is a skin discoloration that forms very deeply in the Dermis layer of the skin. With such an extending depth, the treatment of Melasma is more difficult if proper methods are not applied. Usually, this type of pigmentation can last for years or even a lifetime!

The appearance of Melasma consists of dark patches on the skin which surfaces mainly on the face. This skin condition is caused by direct sun exposure and hormonal changes in women. Melasma is not harmful to your general health but it damages your confidence and your overall wellbeing.

Key take-away:

  • Caused by hormonal changes or direct contact with sunlight
  • Large dark patches in appearance in the face and body
  • Seek professional consultation & treatment when you encounter melasma. Don’t delay treatment since they can get worse

PIH – Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

The name says it all, this type of skin discoloration is caused by skin damages leaving the skin inflamed, injured and then becomes uneven in color tone. Not only is it caused by common physical injuries, PIH occurs after skin treatments as well (such as pimples extraction) or other types of skin conditions (such as psoriasis). Exposure to sunlight can triggers post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation too!

Depending on the skin tone and the severe of discoloration, the color of PIH could vary from pink to red or from brown to black.  This kind of hyperpigmentation can get worse if it is exposed to prolonged UVs or under medications (like antibiotics).

Key take-away:

  • Caused by physical injuries
  • Fist-aid to PIH includes wearing sunscreen, applying chemical peels and using soothing treatment
  • Seek professional consultation & treatment for better treatment results

The effective treatment

Treating hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation takes time and effort. Here at Devotion, we  always advise our beloved clients that preventive measures are the key before the pigmentation gets serious!

Below are some daily tips for you to prevent the hyperpigmentation to surface:

  • Wearing sunscreen is a must! Protect your skin barrier and cells is a key
  • Use moisturizer after going out to hot and direct sunlight. Your skin always need to be nourished
  • Limit friction on the skin such as scratching, rubbing or wearing clothes that are too tight. People tend to forget that friction is a very common cause of hyperpigmentation.
  • Supplement vitamins from within. Especially vitamin C because of its antioxidant and brightening properties.

What to do when you are encountering a serious case of hyperpigmentation? Seeing a Skin Specialist is needed as you will get your skin evaluated and receive personalized treatment.

Having a customized package for your own skin is the best as these treatments not only address the issues present on the skin but also ensure a healthy recovery and effective results.

If you are having headache about dark patches or spots, don’t hesitate to give us a call or contact us at: https://devotionbeautique.com/contact/

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