Underarm Bleaching Is A Safe Treatment to Cure Dark Underarm

As a woman, everyone likes to freely show off their beauty and wear their favorite clothes. However, a few reasons are preventing you from putting on your bikinis or sleeveless tops. Dark underarm is among the most uncomfortable skin conditions as it not only affects your confidence but also the people around you.
Like any other skin discoloration, treating dark underarms needs proper care and procedure. The underarm bleaching treatment is a safe and effective solution to lighten dark patches under your arms!
The root causes of dark underarms
Several factors can lead to dark underarms. Most prominently, this unwanted condition is triggered by excessive sweating and product misuse.
Excessive Sweating
People sweat all the time and that’s a fact! Our human body sweats to cool off the temperature during the hot summer days or when we play sports. But under some special conditions, some might develop a special disorder called Hyperhidrosis (or excessive sweating).
Especially during April, May, and June when the weather becomes warmer in the tropics, people tend to develop excessive sweating. People in urban areas that use public transport such as buses or the MRT also sweat more than others.
When the excessive sweating occurs, your underarm becomes somewhat like a sauna packed with bacteria. If this condition continues, bacteria such as P. Acne and Demodex mites will multiply quickly and cause inflammation, irritation, and skin discoloration. Besides from having dark armpits, this uncomfortable condition might also make you feel embarrassed in the public. As in some communities, the social stigma toward people having sweaty underarms is still pretty harsh.
Excessive sweating can lead to several underarm problems
Product misuse
Excessive sweating is a common problem in both men and women. Products such as deodorants or antiperspirants have become an essential part of our daily routines. The advantage of these popular deodorant products is that they help eliminate odors generated by bacteria living in the armpits. On the other hand, antiperspirants contain a variety of chemical ingredients that can prevent sweat glands from being active.
Theoretically speaking, using such products will help prevent odors and excessive sweating for an affordable price. But be aware of the side effects! Overuse of deodorants causes the underarms to become “sticky” and forms a layer of wax sitting on the skin. Over time, this wax will block the pores and cause inflammation and skin irritation. This is the main cause that leads to the armpit discoloration caused by deodorants.
In addition, using antiperspirants products can result in skin irritation and soreness as they contain many ingredients (such as Aluminum or Parabens) that cause PIH (Post-inflammatory Hyperpigmentation). If not treated properly, the skin under the arms will quickly darken in tone and affect your confidence.
Low-quality bleaching products are also a major factor to darken your underarms. With the rise of online eCommerce platforms, you can find thousands of bleaching and whitening products within seconds. But most of these products are by no means guaranteed a promising result! In fact, before buying a product you should check the ingredients as these low-quality creams often contain Lead or Kojic Acid. These components can burn the skin in the underarms and quickly develop Eczema if used in a long run.
Poor Hygiene
Just like anywhere else on the body, the skin under the arm also needs proper care. Especially for people living in tropical climates. Because the armpit is the first place on the body to sweat, either when the weather changes or when we exercise, it is the ideal place for bacteria to breed. If you do not clean your armpits regularly, bacteria and microorganisms will cause dermatitis and eventually skin discoloration.
It’s worth noting that bad habits like scratching or rubbing are sure to make your underarms darker!
What is Underarm Bleaching treatment?
Underarm Bleaching treatment is one of the most advanced solutions that aims to lighten the dark armpits in the most effective ways possible. Instead of trying to whiten the skin with detergents that are harmful to the body, our underarm bleaching treatment introduces a unique 3-step procedure.
This treatment process is completely safe and has an immediate effect after Session 1.
Step 1: Underarm Bleaching / Detox
The bleaching process is a safe and effective method that aims to fix any discoloration problems in your underarm area. By applying the advanced chemical detoxification technique, our treatment can purify the skin and provide a whitening effect instantly.
Although your skin may light up immediately after the first treatment, we recommend that you continue with a few more sessions to improve existing results. Especially for those who are enduring excessive sweating since the oil glands keep producing even after bleaching affecting the treatment results.
Step 2: Ultrasound Treatment
It is worth noticing that skin discoloration, or dark underarms to be more specific, is mostly caused by PIH, scrubbing, or other skin disorders like Eczema. This means that the skin barrier of the underarms has been damaged! Our ultrasound treatment with advanced technology works to calm and repair the skin.
This very effective treatment can deliver a much quicker result without causing any harsh irritation or discomfort. Besides, it can help to minimize fine lines, wrinkles and skin fold in the underarm area.
Step 3: Auto MTS / Microneedling
Dark underarm is the sign of the skin and its cells being damaged. Our advanced Micro Needle Therapy System or the Auto-MTS is a unique process that allows new skin cell activation to take place.
The greatest advantage of this Auto-MTS is it can be applied to people with all skin types. Unlike lasers or other ablative treatments, this treatment process stimulates and activates the elastin and collagen cells without causing any injuries. Therefore it lightens the skin over time without causing pain and discomfort to the clients.
When will I see the results after this Underarm Bleaching treatment?
Depending on the actual conditions of the underarm area, the results may vary. Our treatment will deliver a visible result after the 1st session and the result will be enhanced with the on-going sessions.
We highly recommend our customers to contact us via Facebook, WhatsApp, or Email to receive a Free Consultation so that we could determine the actual result of the treatment.

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